Kawartha Lakes: (705) 821-2112
24/7 Emergency: (647) 290-7584

How do you prepare your home for flood season across the GTA?

The winter months can be a challenging time for Canadians. It's cold outside and there aren't any leaves on the trees! Fortunately, spring is just around the corner and with it comes warmer weather and rain in many parts of Canada. This can lead to wetter than normal conditions as run-off from melting snow soaks into soil, causing water levels in rivers and lakes to rise quickly. If you live near a river or lake, it's important to know what flooding looks like so that you can take action if necessary!

Have a Plan
When you know the potential for floods in your area, it's important to have a plan. The best way to prepare? Start by keeping an emergency kit on hand. That way, if disaster strikes, you can act quickly and efficiently without panicking or getting caught off guard.

Assess the Risk
You should also know how high the water could rise, so you can take steps to prevent it from reaching your home. If you live in an area that is at risk of flooding, visit the website of your local municipality or province to find out what their flood risk assessments are and how they plan on handling any emergencies.

Prepare Your Home and Property
Flooding can happen at any time of year, but it is most common during spring and summer. To prepare for flood season in Ontario:

- Have a plan for what you will do if there is a flooding emergency in your community.

- Assess the risk of flooding in your area by checking out the Environment Canada website.
Prepare your home and property by installing backwater valves on sewer lines, clearing gutters and drains regularly, maintaining drainage ditches around the house as well as protecting basement areas with sandbags or other barriers if necessary; find out more here: https://www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/en/content/flooding#prepareyourhomeandproperty

Have a flood restoration plan: If there is ever any damage done by flooding or other natural disasters at home or work locations nearby then having some type of plan beforehand could save time later down the road when trying out things like replacing damaged items instead of waiting until they're gone before making decisions about what happens next."

Prepare your home and property: Have a plan in place that includes provisions such as water-resistant supplies and emergency tools, like flashlights and batteries (or even a portable generator). If you have an electrical appliance that needs ventilation, make sure it's placed high enough that no water can come in contact with it and don't forget about the basement!

Contact Caldwell Restoration, we operate a 24-hour emergency response line and guarantee an immediate response time across the GTA, Ajax-Pickering, Whitby, Peterborough, Oshawa and Durham areas.

